Where has the week gone?

Have you all missed me? It's been a hectic week since I last posted on Monday!

On Tuesday, I spent the day at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport - flew a total of 5 hours to spend 4 hours there on the ground! The meeting was a huge success, however - it's the first Joint Leadership Team meeting I moderated as a part of my new position, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Long day, however! Left my house at 6:15 AM before it was light out...got home at 6:45 PM after the sun had already set.

And yes, I know I'm dreadfully behind on NaNo. I'm getting there, though. I promise! I WILL catch up. I'm actually working, still, on building a new schedule for myself to get enough time in to write! I read Maggie Lawson's lecture notes, in their entirety, on the plane to MSP (I wrote on the way back) and with the help of my new Change Coach, Patti, I think I'll be back on track in a jiffy!

On Wednesday, I spent the day at FSU - which is the American Airlines FlagShip University - first presenting as a part of a follow-on training session to new Internal Consultants (weird, because I was now in a position to present to the same people I went through training with initially...guess I can consider myself up to speed with my team now, huh?) and then attending our monthly core team strategic off-site meeting, which was both enjoyable and informative. Three months ago, I felt like I'd never learn enough to be on equal footing with my new team mates - now I really feel integrated! Yahoo!

Last night, I also went to pick up the glider and bed I purchased for what will be my dad's room. Traveling, traveling. Went from far east Fort Worth, where FSU is, to far southwest Fort Worth, where the glider was, to far northwest Fort Worth, where the bed was, back home to kinda-far-east Fort Worth, where I live. And just to hit 4 places in Fort Worth, I drove through a half dozen other towns. This is a crazy area!

Not having such a great time with this latest weather change. My joints are just screaming these days. More on that later...I'm planning a pity party posting for my aches and pains...beware and make sure not to read, haha! Also have a sniffle that will not go away. Dang it.

Oh, well - life's not all that bad - this week is actually falling into place quite well! And so, with that, on to my Thursday Thirteen!

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