Thursday Thirteen #3

It's that time again! I'm off to start on NaNo - can't wait to write my first few thousand words - but before I do that, since the clock has turned and the day has begun, it's THURSDAY THIRTEEN TIME!

Thirteen Random or Little Known Facts about TIFFANY ALLER

1. I work for an airline...and travel fairly often for work...and, in addition, I've flown almost a half million miles in my life for pleasure, spanning several continents and almost the entire continental United States...and I've had informal flying lessons and personally taken the controls of three different small planes...and one of my goals is to get my private pilot's license by age 30...and despite all of that, I'm TERRIFIED of flying!

2. Little known fact: when I was in college, I pledged a co-ed service fraternity called Alpha Phi Omega. I remain involved in this organization currently, as an alumni volunteer who travels around the country teaching Leadership Development courses at college campuses. Some of the colleges I've taught at include UCLA, USC, SMU, UT, Elon, UC-Irvine, UTD, UD, TWU, Drake, Creighton, U Toledo and Texas Tech. I think I'm missing a few, but can't think of them!

3. Littler known fact: at my naming ceremony when I finished the 8 weeks of pledging activities (read: hazing is a bad word and we officially don't recognize it...but boy was Hell Night - er, Finals Night - fun!) was a bit, er, embarassing, when I was tagged with the following: My Little Levi's Loving ROTC Hungry Husky. I can't remember if I may be missing a word or two, but what I do remember is that this made me die of embarassment when I had to explain it's background, a la the history written by my Big, to my fellow pledges. I think the potentially missing part had something to do with Tom Cruise. I just can't remember.

4. When I was in third grade, a dear friend died in a snowmobiling accident. That year, at Easter, I wrote a story (even then, I was a writer) about how I wanted to spend spring break visiting him in heaven. In sixth grade, I was asked to write/deliver a dedication when my elementary school opened an outdoor classroom constructed in his name. Those two writings - the story and the speech - were my first two times to be published - the local paper carried both. What an awful way to gain publication, though...although I often think of Brent, I rarely remember those writings.

5. The first two tapes that I owned as a child were the soundtracks to Cocktail and The Bodyguard. Mom bought them for me as stocking stuffers one Christmas. I think that if she'd known the storylines of those movies, I would have gotten a different gift.

6. The first two CDs that I owned, in high school, was the soundtrack to Friends and whatever Mariah Carey drivel was out at the time.

7. I plan an agenda for preparing Thanksgiving in 15 minute time slots. My friends and family make fun of me for this, but I'm 2 for 2 - I've never failed to get Thanksgiving dinner on the table for the years I've hosted at the exact time promised. Hoping to go 3 for 3 this year!

8. I'm a packrat - I save everything. Some people have favorite items of mine (ok, not necessarily favorites, but things they've seen) that they make fun of me for keeping. For Danielle, it's my wardrobe in nearly its entirety. For Mike, it's my juror's badge from 2005. Random stuff!

9. Speaking of wardrobes, I've been nearly the exact same height and weight since age 13 - I'm now 27. Since 13, my weight has fluctuated only by 10 pounds in either direction of where I am right now. That means I have a LOT of old clothes from middle and high school, plus college, that I still wear. See, I'm not the fashionista type. I'm lucky I don't go to work in sweats every day. I could honestly care less about my clothes 99% of the time. I certainly don't allot any money towards fashion but instead buy new duds when I get gift certificates or whatnot. But I consider it a damn good thing I saved so much clothing from, say, debate tournaments and music recitals, because that meant I didn't have to but much in the way of suits or work clothes when I became the corporate type 6 years ago! :-)

10. I have two stories from my past that I haven't shared with anyone I met since moving to Texas: why I left ROTC and why I have an aversion to super short hair and people named Anna. I'm finally at the point where I think I may share both with my husband. Neither reflect poorly on me or are embarassing or anything like that, but both just remind me of things that I'd rather forget, in the interest of not dwelling or being upset.

11. When I was a little kid, my mom refused to let anyone call me Tiff, saying that she'd named me Tiffany for a reason, not Tiff. To this day, I've never introduced myself to anyone, ever, as Tiff. I do scribble Tiff sometimes when writing my name on a list and I use Tiff as part of my AIM nickname, but I've never asked anyone to call me Tiff instead of Tiffany. Despite this, 99% of people call me Tiff at least occasionally. I decided, years ago, to not let this bother me...I am not my mother! :-)

12. In high school, I broke to finals at speech and debate states for Radio Announcing. In college, I became a DJ for the campus station, hosting Classic Rock and Top 40 shows. I think it'd be so neat if I could find a way to get back on the radio in present life...but I'm thinking my chances are slim, wouldn't you say?

13. In 1990, at the age of almost-10, I performed my violin at Carnegie Hall. To think: the height of my musical career, at age 10. But boy...that's something I'll never, ever forget.

And there you have it, folks. 13 totally random things!

Have a great day, ya'll!


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  1. I know what you mean about the clothes. I'm the same height and weight as when I was about a sophomore. I ditched a bunch over the last three moves! I don't think I ever got tapes, but I did get Debbie Gibson's first album and the Dirty Dancing soundtrack as albums. Yes, LPs!

  2. I still have my LP of Michael Jackson's Thriller. Vinyl, baby!

    I'd like to hear the story about short-haired ROTC Anna...maybe you could make her a villain in one of your books :-)

    I ceased being high school weight after I met hubby--immediately went up 10 pounds; but since starting karate have returned to that weight. Post-baby I thought I'd never go completely back to a size 6, but lo and thighs no longer touch! All those leg-exercises we do.

  3. I guess Grandpa Lannigan's violin found a fantastic home then! LOL!
    PS. Make sure you clue me in to the time table for Thanksgiving!

  4. I grew up in the Seventies so....but we did have Alpha Phi Omega at my university and my husband belonged to it. He was really into it. Amazing: Carnegie Hall at 10! Wow!

    You don't have your blog set to allow links and postings from non-blogger platforms. But here is the link, though you'll have to scroll down.

  5. I was reading #1, envying you all that travel, and then did a double take at the last sentence!
