Manic Monday #5

Happy Monday, ya'll! It's been a very busy start - I'm a bit late getting this up, aren't I? Thanks to Lisa for more great questions this week!

What is your least favorite day of the week and why?
Monday - of course! Just always a frantic start to the work week after the lull of the weekend. Plus, I hate when the weekened ends!! :-)

What's the best way to end the day?
With a good book - I read every single night before bed.

Which animal would you have left out of the ark?
SNAKES! Oh, God, I hate snakes beyond anything I can possibly describe. My fear is so deep that I can't even see them on the big screen (aka movies) without just wanting to go into hiding for a long, long time. Noah, what were you THINKING?!

Have a great weekend, ya'll!



  1. As I told Lisa, I'll take your snakes if you take my spiders!

  2. Nice Monday post! Happy Monday! I just posted Manic Monday - RELISH Meme!

    Come stop by my blog!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
