Weekend Recap and Goals 11/05

Hi, everyone!

Hope ya'll had a great weekend and are enjoying a good start to your new week! Halfway through my Monday, I thought I'd share my recap of the weekend and last week, and my goals for this week!

First, let me just say that NASCAR weekend was just awesome. Perfect weather, good friends to share the races with, awesome neighbors in the campground - just goodness all the way around. Ended up having a little disagreement with the hubby (long story, but I was pretty ticked) but I think we've resolved it and are moving on. Still had a good weekend at TMS and can't wait until the next!

Now, a recap on last week's goals:

1. Attend Fall Leaders Conference - check!
2. NASCAR races - check!
3. NaNo starts on Thursday - I wrote on Thursday and just a teeny bit on Friday. Didn't so much work out to write at the track while camping for NASCAR - too much else going on. Check out my goals below for my catch-up plan.
4. Patti's press release - Got it posted to several sites, and she's experienced a 300% increase of hits to her web site - awesomeness. The timeline for releasing her author interview is below in my goals.
5. Blog 5x for writing blog, 2-3x for non-writing blog - check and check!
6. Finish reading The Daddy Spell galleys for Patti and write/post book review - Still reading - will complete soon! Added to this week's goals!
7. 10 freelance articles - Not quite...just simply ran out of time. Dang it.
8. Apply for a few identified ongoing freelance opportunties - I didn't get to the application phase on these, but have gathered all of the information and done all of the pre-work necessary to move forward. Added to this week's goals.
9. Plastering on staircase; more organizing upstairs; finish rebuilding desktop. No, partial, partial. Getting there, getting there! Finding out that a second parent would be joining us for the winter definitely changed what had to be done in my house last week.
10. Have a great week! CHECK!

So, I was partially successful - can't win 'em all, but I'm happy with what I did get done. On to this week's goals:

1. Swap out some furniture/decorations in upstairs bedrooms; pick up bed and glider purchased from craigslist; pick up television purchased from eBay; pick up mirror frame with new mirror glass installed - Monday evening. (This will finalize our preparations to get ready for Karen and Dad. Total spent on furniture and mirror replacement: $145. Not bad. I love craigslist/eBay!)
2. NaNoWriMo - catch up time, already! This week: the goal is 2000 words per day on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, plus 2500 on Saturday and Sunday...and for Tuesday, it's catch-up time - 5 hours on a plane to MSP and back for a 2-hour meeting (the logistics of my travel amaze me) equals 3000 words, I hope! :-)
3. Part 1: Author interview - Patti - post final version to AC after getting Patti's approval - Thursday. Part 2: Book review - Patti - post final version to ArsC - Friday.
4. Blogging - 5 posts here, 2 posts on other blog.
5. Press release/marketing - Isabel - phone conversation pending her schedule.
6. Applications - other writing jobs. MUST get done this week. We'll say Thursday night.
7. Writing - 10 freelance articles. Saturday/Sunday mornings.
8. Welcome my mother-in-law to my house! She arrives late Wednesday evening.
9. Work out final details for dad traveling down next week.
10. Have a great week!

And I hope you all have a great week as well! :-)


1 comment

  1. Lots of stuff there, girl. I hope you succeed at least on half of it and you'll be in good shape. Thanks for doing my press release stuff. Just holler if you need anything as I owe you one now!
