
Do you ever know things before you should...or sense things that you shouldn't?

Bear with me, folks. I promise, I'm not losing my mind.

I'm talking about those weird occurances in life that just give you goosebumps?

I had one of those times today. Before a meeting, I made a little sticky notes list of the remaining things I needed to accomplish this afternoon before leaving work - basically two main items.

My coworker then showed up to meet with me, and was in my cube for about an hour.

After he left, I picked up my sticky notes from where they'd been set off to the side to remind myself of what I needed to accomplish...and got a heck of a shock.

Item #2 was something that couldn't possibly have been on the list before the meeting that had just then ended. Couldn't possibly. Was something I didn't even know would have come about, let alone would need to do. But yet...on the list.


I creeped out a friend once when I got up and was halfway across the room to answer my phone...before it even rang. Sure enough, when I was just a step away from the phone, ring ring.

That's not that nifty a trick, though. I anticipate the phone ringing fairly often, actually. Not when a call is expected, either; just randomly.

And then there's my mom connection. Once upon a time, many years ago when I was in college, my mom and I used to always get headaches on the same day. We didn't live together. We didn't see each other daily or talk daily. More like once or twice a month. But we always had headaches at the exact same time.


How about you, readers? Any spooky times? We won't even discuss the ghost (that I don't really believe in, right?) who lives in my house...that's for another post!

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