Friday Fill In # 6

Hi, folks! It's been a long week, hasn't it? Two weeks ago, I traveled for work and then rushed to PA when my father passed away. A week ago, we buried Dad and then came back to Texas to try to get back into the swing of things. And so this week was my first full week of work in quite some time and it's left me exhausted! Thankfully, my boss allowed me to work from home today, so I've been just humming along on a few projects in my peaceful and quiet house. Now...time for a lunch break and this week's Friday Fill Ins!

1. Dancing to the radio while cleaning my house makes me smile.

2. The last time I went to the beach I nearly refused to leave.

3. When I drive I fly like a bat out of hell.

4. I saw Frankie Avalon standing by an elevator in an Atlantic City casino once.

5. Give me a pillow, give me a dark room, give me sleep.

6. Next week I am looking forward to presenting my project and transition plans for maternity leave.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to getting a lot of writing and organizing done, tomorrow my plans include hanging out with unexpected houseguests and Sunday, I want to get a really big hug before I drop my husband off at the airport as he leaves to go visit his niece and nephew!

Your turn! Read, copy, comment...have fun! And have a great weekend, ya'll!


  1. Life is so wonderful that we have always have something to do.
    Wish you happy and healthy.

  2. My condolences. So sorry for your loss.

  3. I never want to leave the beach either!

  4. goodluck on your weekend plans!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your are you doing?

    I feel that way about the beach, too :-)
