Thursday Thirteen #12

Following last week's posting, where my hubby made all sorts of good suggestions for TT topics, I'm going to start using his ideas!


1. Snoopy - wouldn't you rather have the little yellow bird as an advisor instead of BILL CLINTON?
2. Pee Wee Herman - seems to me that his moral transgressions were a bit more minor than Bill's. And we all know that Bill and Hillary are running as a team here.
3. The Rock - what terrorist threat? The Rock will pound 'em into the ground.
4. Bill Pullman - if he can do it on the big screen...
5. Catherine Zeta Jones - because apparently my husband thinks she's hot.
6. Stu, the cashier from Kroger - because he was more diligent in counting back change than Hillary would be in regulating any kind of economic policy.
7. Mr. Peanut - dry roasted is better than dry speeches and dry ideas.
8. Santa Claus - I think more people could believe in him than Hillary!
9. Thomas Kinkade - his portraits of life are so much more enticing than Hillary's.
10. Dwight, from "The Office" - oh, why not? It'd be fun.
11. Tim McGraw - because when he says "Something Like That", it just ends up meaning more than when Hillary uses the same phrase!
12. Roger Clinton - because if we're destined to have another Clinton in the White House, I'd rather it be a mellow musician than an uptight, er, nevermind.

And now for my REAL answer with who I'd like to see become our next President...

13. Rudy Giuliani - America's Mayor = America's President = my political crush

Sorry to be up so late - come visit me and I'll visit you back!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. LOL...very creative. I am actually a Romney fan..but would vote for Giuliani if I had to. Be blessed!!

  2. I'd rather have her than another republican in office.

  3. I with neen...and, anyone who lived in NY for any length of time when Rudy was mayor would want ANYONE but him! This will be made plain when he loses his home state primary.


  4. Love it! My vote is with Pee-wee.

  5. I'll take Hillary over any of the "GOP" turkeys. Happy TT.

  6. I see I started a little mini debate here - good, debate is good! Keep the comments coming, and thank you for keeping them respectfully phrased!

  7. Bwahahahahah, I love it. I'm with you. Anyone one of these would be better. Bwahahahahah. Thanks for the laughs. Have a great TT. :)

  8. LOL, thanks for the laugh. Imagine Snoopy as president. Hey - about Homer Simpson? Happy TT!

  9. Okay I'll vote for Tim McGraw, I am so there!!!! Will he wear a white T-shirt with a bbq stain for me? And how do we deal with Faith....oh wait we were talking President, not my fantasy weren't we????
    Bad Penelope Anne....

  10. 2. Pee Wee Herman - seems to me that his moral transgressions were a bit more minor than Bill's. And we all know that Bill and Hillary are running as a team here.

    If I were voting on who has the least moral transgressions I wouldn't be voting for Rudy!

  11. I couldn't care less about morals. I want a president who can run the economy so.... Hillary for me.

  12. Mmm...yep, Rudy's had some issues...the whole mistress thing is really a bit distressing. point was in comparing Pee Wee to Bill, not to Rudy. :-)

    Hillary on the economy? Oh, Nicholas - I love you, I really do, and your blog is one of my favorites...but I've got to disagree. That woman scares me more than maggots on meat.
