Manic Monday #11

Good (early) morning, ya'll! Here is this week's Manic Monday, courtesy of Lisa! Great questions, as always!

Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?
I have always believed that males have it easier, in almost any culture. They can pee standing up, they aren't subject to jokes about monthly cycles (what bleeds for 5 days but doesn't die? har har har), and in many corporations, they still promote easier, sooner and higher. Would I trade myself in to become a guy, however? Most likely not! :-)

What books from your childhood would you like to share with your children?
One of my favorites is The Devil's's a great learning story for the holocaust. I remember Judy Blume and Carolyn B. Cooney and Lurlene McDaniels fondly, as well. I'm honestly not too big on little kids books, but I love middle ages and YA.

What is one talent or skill you don't possess but always wanted?
I've always wanted to be able to draw or paint or create something visually artistic. The best I can manage are feeble flowers.

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Good morning, Tiffany! I love your answers to these questions. Your book response made me recall The Diary of Anne Frank. I loved that book though I didn't read it until I was an adult. I think everyone should read that at least once.

    And, I would also like to know how to draw or paint. I do experiment from time to time but, I wouldn't say it's great. I can draw sharks pretty good though.

    Happy MM. Have a nice day.

  2. Great answers. Men definitely have it easier than us. When a friend of mine was in agony giving birth, her hubby had the cheek to faint! I thought that only happened in comedy shows. I guess the reason we have a tougher time than them is because we're the tougher sex, LOL! Thanks for visiting - happy Monday!

  3. I'm lucky I can heheheh draw some of the 26 letters of the alphabet!

  4. Judy Blume was great. I used to read her as a kid. Happy MM!

  5. If you enjoyed the Devil's Arithmetic, you should read The Book Thief, another outstanding YA Holocaust story.

    Nice mutterings!

    Thanks for visiting my MM.

  6. I've yet to find a woman that's willing to become a guy, even with the societal perks. ;-) Thanks, but no thanks. LOL

    I can't paint, but my sketching isn't half bad. I won't complain.

    Thanks for playing MM and have a wonderful week.
