Democratic Convention - Days 3 & 4

Hi, readers!

Sorry for taking so long to get this up! It's been a busy few days and so I'm just now finally catching up!

Let's get started...

Democratic Convention, Day 3

I missed seeing this day live, because I was at the airport picking up Chris from his Canada trip. I did tape it - er, DVR it - however, so here are my thoughts on the two speakers I was watching for: Bill Clinton and Joe Biden.

Bill Clinton

It is sickening to me how long the applause lasted for this fraud of a man. I guess it just proves my point all over again - people are sheep, and will follow along blindly time and time again. Here are some of my reactions to individual parts of his speech:
  • "Sit down." (Funny! I wish Bill had taken his own advice and gotten off the stage. Yeech.)
  • I will grant Bill this - his global warming joke was funny.
  • The American Dream is apparently under siege. (Oh, Lord. It begins.)
  • We have a perilous dependence on foreign oil. (As opposed to when he was president...?)
  • Diplomacy is the answer. (I thought interns were the answer...)
  • Obama will rebuild a badly strained military. (Uh, wasn't it CLINTON who decimated the military in the 90s?)
  • Why should Clinton have to convince his own party that their candidate is ready to be President?
  • Nations around the world should be "impressed by the power of our example than the example of our power." (Why are we trying to impress anyone?)
  • Military families are "pushed to the breaking point by multiple deployments." (Follow me closely on this one, folks. We have a VOLUNTEER military. Military forces are used to defend interests both domestically and abroad. Ergo, people volunteer and as a natural course of their job, are deployed. If you're going to complain about it, you shouldn't have joined. People who join the military just so they can get a guaranteed salary and education and training piss me off. Being a part of the military is about serving others, not having them serve you.)
  • Let me express this one more time for those apparently slow folks in the crowd: the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT was not responsible for the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Get the hell off it.
Joe Biden

Apparently, I should be proud of this hometown Scranton boy. But although I find his mom to be cute as a button and him to be far more believable than Obama, I wish to hell he'd stop gratuitously mentioning Scranton every five seconds. He lived there until he was ten. Let's look at his speech:
  • "Sitcheration." (Ok, anyone who makes fun of Bushisms should check out the way Biden said "situation." Hilarious.)
  • "That's not change...that's more of the same." (Wow. Great line. Too bad it means nada.)
  • McCain voted against the minimum wage X amount of times. (I would, too. It's already too high. It's called the MINIMUM wage for a reason.)
  • Obama will cut taxes for 95% of the ple who draw pay checks. (My ass. When's the last time a democrat has lowered taxes? And exactly how will this even be facilitated?)
  • Obama will invest in the next generation of teachers. (What about, uh, our CURRENT teachers?)
  • The average family will save $2500 in healthcare. (But what will be the cost in the quality of care? And how will the government subsidize that savings?)
  • Obama will put more cops on the street. (Riiiiight.)
  • Talking is the best way to ensure security. (Say hello to my little friend...)
Obama's appearance with Biden at the end of day 3 just seemed pointlessly gratuitous.

Democratic Convention, Day 4

The All Obama, All the Time Show. Yeehaw. Here we go...
  • Ted Kennedy embodies the spirit of service. (I'm still choking over this one. Just not the service of calling the police and reporting that he'd been in a car accident that killed someone else. Snort.)
  • Many of the issues plaguing us today are not of the government's making but their failure to respond is a problem. (So...the government should respond to problems outside of their concern. Rah rah for big government.)
  • We need to stop offshoring. (By interfering with the free market system? Sure, sounds great...if we were, say, in China.)
  • The Republicans claim we have become a nation of whiners. (Well, if the shoe fits...yes, yes, it's true. We, as a nation, completely lack personal responsibility and instead whine and complain about what everyone else should be doing for us.)
  • The Republicans expect people to make it on their own. (Yep. It's called taking care of yourself. Period.)
  • We need to restore the American Promise. (Um, or the American Dependency on the next handout. Hey, whichever works.)
  • We need to create opportunities for everyone who is willing to work. (Again, this is a socialist concept. And the fact is, there are a lot of people not willing to work. They'd rather just get their monthly government check. And before anyone dares to call me an out of touch elitist, I have had repeated personal experience with people like this. And there are many more out there. And I wish they'd all spontaneously implode. I don't work my freaking ass off just so someone else can get something for nothing.)
  • Lobbyists wrote the tax code. (Um, this is too absurd to even contemplate.)
  • We will cut taxes for 95% of all working families. (Tell me another one.)
  • In ten years, we can end our dependency on foreign oil. (So...Obama wants us to be big players in the international community, but not in trade with the Middle East. Yet another example of the democratic hypocrisy that makes me sick.)
  • Obama will help the automobile companies retool and spend $150B on renewable energy. (And the money for this will come from...where?)
  • Obama will hire an army of new teachers with higher salaries to fix education. (What about our existing teachers? Who in most locales get damn good salaries already? I'd love a job where I have several months off every summer but still make twelve months worth of paychecks.)
  • For people with healthcare coverage, Obama will reduce premiums. For people without healthcare coverage, they will be guaranteed the same levels of coverage as the members of Congress. (No, thank you. I don't want what Congress has, and I don't want the government involved in any way, shape, or form in my healthcare.)
  • Obama will stop insurance companies from discriminating against the sick. (Wow.)
  • Obama will ensure more paid sick days and better family leave. (Again...asking employers to pay people more money to do less work. Ye Gods.)
  • How will Obama pay for all of these grand plans? By closing corporate loop holes and tax haves. By going line by line through the budget and eliminating non-functioning programs. (Good. Have fun. I'd guarantee that 95% of those non-functioning programs are Democrat sponsored.)
  • It cracks me up to hear a Democrat lecturing on personal responsibility...
  • It also cracks me up to hear a Democrat talking about rebuilding military strength.
All in all, this speech had a lot of rhetoric and no substance.

On to the land of rationality and the Republican Convention!

1 comment

  1. I've missed you Tiff....So lets talk about Bubba.....I was traveling in England and Ireland during the Lewinsky thing. We went into a small pub outside London, the patrons who immediately identified us as
    Americans (no one in England wears T-shirts) laughed at us! I don't mean little chuckles I mean full-blown mocking laughter. My heart sunk...Never have I been so embarrassed by my president.We encountered several similar situations, to the point that it pretty much made the whole trip SUCK! And I sure as hell was not going to defend him(a strong statement for a Marine) and ever since then I cannot look at or hear that man without experiencing Rage! The only good thing about his speech was He did not want to,and was forced to give it.....He's lower than snail sh!t. It just occurred to me that Monica Lewinski has more oval office experience than Obama,although It's hard to tell which is more orally gifted.
