Mommy is Busy Right Now

I subscribe to Newsweek magazine.  I have since I was a freshman in college; before that, I just read my parent's subscription at home.  I've literally read this publication since I was old enough to read and reason.

Sometimes, especially in the past 5 years, I find myself snorting over my perceived left-leanings of some of the columnists.  Most days I'm convinced that George Will is the only conservative writer in their employ.

But some articles transcend politics, and one in particular recently caught my eye: Mommy is Busy Right Now.

Boy, did the sentiments of writer Lisa Miller (with whom I often find myself disagreeing) ring true in this piece.

The premise is basic.
  • 1: 77% of women work; for many, it's not a choice but a necessity.  
  • 2: Most household "administrative" functions are performed by women, i.e. travel planning, banking, managing health issues, etc.
  • 3: Neither corporate nor marital structures accommodate work+household administration.
This. Is. My. Life.

Now don't get me wrong.  Funny Daddy can outcook me any day of the week.  And he cleans a ton.  He's better at buckling down to physical types of chores than I am.

But when it comes to budgeting, tax prep, vacation planning, doctors appointments, school forms, und so weiter...well, that's me.  But I want it that way; I love that kind of stuff.  But on the flip side, there ARE only 24 hours in a day.  And like my husband, I have multiple jobs: between the two of us, we police, engage employees, serve legal documentation, write, judge debate tournaments, provide security, and flip houses.  Two kids.  Four dogs.  Parents living in 3 different states.  By any measure, that's a busy life.

I find myself falling into the guilt trap pretty consistently, too.  If I'm working, I feel like I ought to be with my kids.  If I'm with my kids, I wonder if I've accomplished enough work for the day.  If I'm on vacation, I want to check email so people aren't left waiting on me.  If I'm working on a writing project, I'm reminded that a project at my full-time job needs completing as well.

So what say you, other busy mommies.  Do you just compartmentalize?  What's the split like in your world?

Mommy is busy right now...

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