Where in the World is...

Did you ever play Carmen Sandiego, and have to trek all over the map finding crooks in exotic places? Sometimes, where you didn't know where to go next, did you just pick at random?

That's what we did this weekend!

Chris unexpectedly had two days off from work (he was at the limit of vacation/comp time he could store and so it was a use it or lose it situation) so we found ourselves at loose ends. Although there is plenty of work still to be done in the house and perhaps we could have even spent the day weeding our backyard (which is now the plan for the rest of today...), we decided to be wild and adventurous and make different plans instead.

What did we do, you ask?

We went to Kentucky!

Nope, I'm not kidding! We took a look at AA flights and found a city where we could easily non-rev for the day. And Louisville was the winner!

This is just the intro post...a great big grand post is coming soon so you can explore the photojournal of our day away!

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