Taking On Sexist Parenting

(Post Transferred from my formerly stand-alone blog, Tiffany Takes On.)
I recently read an article that said that "working moms are still more likely to do household chores and childcare." America, aren't we beyond that, yet? I mean, seriously. My job is no less serious than my husband's. My income is no less meaningful. And that means that my contribution around the house and with our future children should be no more overbalanced than his, right?

Wrong, apparently.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on an average day, only 54% of fathers help out with childcare, while 71% of mothers are stuck carrying the full load. Similarly, on an average day, only 64% of men help out around the house, while 89% of women are left maintaining everything.

Men, wake the hell up. This is an order! Lincoln freed the slaves and the 1950s era of simpering wives and pampered husbands is long, long gone. Everyone out there, you can find articles that preach to marriages being 50/50 propositions. So why doesn't that 50/50 split extend to childcare and household chores as well?

Preposterous! It boils down to laziness. I'm sure most men pass it off that they're just so much busier than their wives, or that their wives are just so much better with the kids and the chores. BULL! It's laziness.

Not in my house. In my house, adults are expected to carry their own weight. That means that while one of us might be busier than the other on one particular week, we'll do our share to catch up and help out the next. And for those wives who put up with anything less - listen up! It's time you told your man to shape up or ship out!

Read more here: Working Moms Still More Likely to Do Household Chores and Childcare
(No Comments Transferred; original posting date 05/09/08, 11:51 AM.)

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