Rental Car Etiquette

Hey, dear readers! Sorry for not posting more in the past week - I had training 3 days last week, and spent the other two days preparing for and then recovering from it!

For this week's Tuesday Travel Tips, let's discuss the rental car.

Ah, the rental car.

That sparkly, shiny vehicle that you've just exchanged a moderate (or not so moderate) sum of money for, intending to beat the hell out of it for the next several days.

That colorful, late model chariot that has had as many driver's as Obama has had failed cabinet appointees. (Couldn't resist. Sorry!)

That home away from home on four wheels that you apparently don't care one iota about, because you've left it a mess.
Can I tell you how much it annoys me to spend precious money, just to get a car that's been left a mess?

Half of this I blame on the rental car company, for being in such a hurry to turnover cars that they gloss over the cleaning process faster than Obama can change his mind on a campaign promise. (Again, sorry. I crack myself up.)

But half I blame on you, dear rental car renter. Have some pride! Have some caring about your surroundings! If nothing else, at least have some shame!

I completely don't get why people would find it acceptable to leave behind miscellaneous garbage, including spilled fast food and a variety of, uh, personal items. No joke - I've seen it happen.

Let's do this as a 1-2-3-4 lesson, shall we?

  1. Rent a car.
  2. Enjoy your trip to Wherever, USA or insert alternate country <> .
  3. Pick up after yourself like a normal, rational human being.
  4. Return your rental car.

Not hard, eh? Now, it's your turn! Make me proud.

Until next time,

Safe travels!

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