It's been a MONTH!

Yikes! How in the heck have I let a whole month go by without posting once?

Well...a lot has been going on, and honestly, I was just overwhelmed and took a COMPLETE break from ALL writing - freelance, fiction AND blogging. I can't promise that I'm ready to jump back into everything with both feet, but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to start juggling things again really soon!

I have a million of you to come visit, awards to claim and give back out, MeMes to do...and I owe you all an update on why I've been gone. I'm going to be spending some time tonight trying to catch up on just that...and tomorrow night, as well.

In the meantime, thanks for your patience with me, and I hope to see you in the blogosphere REALLY soon!




  1. Time certainly can fly can't it?
    Thanks for popping by, as you see we are in turmoil here but we will survive we always do.

  2. *Jumping up and down*
    It's so great to have you back!! Hope all has been well!
