Friday Feast #12

*deep breath*

This is my first MeMe in FOREVER!

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?
1 - hate it.

Do you prefer baths or showers?
Baths - always. However, I get *maybe* 1 bath every 3 months, and by sake of necessity and lack of time, am stuck with showers the rest of the time.

What was the last bad movie you watched?
Mmm. Don't know. I don't watch many movies. I used to get to movies with Kristen like once a month or more but that's tapered off almost entirely. And forget it on TV...I just don't have the patience these days to watch anything. Which reminds me that I have to find movies to watch tomorrow night since a few of my girlfriends are coming over to hang out for the first time in, well...forever!

Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.
Reading. Takes over everything else. Totally.

Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?
Piano or organ.

I can't get the signer-upper-thingie working today, so just leave me a comment! :-)


  1. I used to love my handwriting, now not so much but do not hate it.
    Reading I love to do that, but this has been a slow month for me for some reason.
    Just know you are linked with your book blog to mine as a sister Bookworm.

  2. I have TREMENDOUS updates to do on my book blog - it's one of the things that feel by the wayside when life got crazy. I have like 12 books to add! But thanks so much for linking to me!!!
