I lied :-(

I lied, and I truly didn't mean to...I'm sorry!!!

I posted on Wednesday that I'd be back with a Thursday Thirteen and I also hoped to do a Friday Feast...and I ended up doing neither. I'm sorry! :-(

Between the kids getting here Wednesday night, my brother-in-law getting here late morning on Thursday, trying to work from home on Thursday around going to the airport, and then general family activity kinds of things ever since, yeah, time got away from me.

And it turns out that the Army is *slightly* more disorganized than I thought (and than I've experienced in the past, when I've been able to know EXACTLY when a friend would get in on leave) but not as disorganized as the brother-in-law claims. While we could have received a LOT of warning for when he'd be arriving at DFW, he chose not to call us until he was already at the airport, off the plane, and had his bags. And so I'm left really not feeling bad at all that he had to sit for 45 minutes outside the terminal until we got the kids up and dressed, in the car, and then fought the remnants of rush hour traffic to travel the almost-20 miles to the airport. With warning, we would have been way more organized, but the time span we were given to expect was anywhere from late morning to late evening. Oh, well!

Anyway, this is the first time I've been on the computer for longer than 30 seconds since working from home on Thursday! Isn't that sad?

So I'm going to cheat a bit. I'm going to retro-post my Thursday Thirteen and Friday Feast and then, if Lisa is around for a Manic Monday this week, get that up as well!

And if I'm still awake after all that, I'll head over to Read and Release and post a few more book reviews, since I'm now something like FIFTEEN books behind!

Ta ta for now!


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