New Year, Abandoned Resolutions

Do you all like to make New Year's Resolutions?  I do.  There's nothing I like more than writing out a list of goals.

How do you all feel about keeping them?  Um, yeah.  I'm not so good either.

I came into 2011 gung ho with my new resolution.  Blog more, write more, clean more, and then relax more.  Oh, and there's all those resolutions for my full-time job, too.

With one+ week down, I'm not doing so well.  Oh yeah, and the gaining weight thing.  Not so much.

What I'm trying to learn is that you can start or restart resolutions any time of the year - and that just because they haven't worked in the past doesn't mean they won't take this time.

So I'm going to try to restart today.  Won't you join me on this journey?

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