Caring and Sharing in Hotels

Good Tuesday morning to everyone, and welcome to Tuesday Travel Tips with Tiffany! To read previous editions, you can find them here.

Today's topic is learning how to share hotel rooms.

No, no, no.  I'm not talking about physically sharing a hotel room with someone else, particularly someone else you do.not.know.

What I'm talking about is caring and sharing in a hotel room that will, yes indeedy, be used by someone else after you check out.


Betcha never thought about that, eh?

Just because most hotels employ maid services, don't think that you have carte blanche to lose all sense of propriety and hygiene.

I'm talking about you, Mr. I'm Gonna Throw a Condom on the Floor.  Eeeeewie.  Do you do that at home?  'Cause if you do, I'm never coming to visit.  Do you honestly think the carpets in hotels get washed more than once a millenium?

I'm talking to you, Ms. Conveniently Lose a Bra Behind the Television Set.  Really?  Really?  Stop.

And I'm talking to all ya'll that do nasty things (get your mind out of the gutter; I'm talking about eating greasy food!) on the bed comforter.

Listen, folks.  I worked as a hotel maid.  Briefly.  Like for a week.  Because the hotel where I worked in a restaurant had all of it's maids quit simultaneously and I got talked into doing it for a couple of extra bucks besides my hourly.  And it was seriously the most disgusting thing ever.

Except changing new-to-baby-food diapers.  But I digress...

Why do human beings, especially Mr. Professional Business Traveler and Ms. Have It All Together Mom, devolve into disgusting creatures while on the road?  You're leaving behind a mess not only for the person who is getting minimum wage to clean your room (and tip, dummy!), but also potentially for the next user of the room.

I'm not a constant traveler, but I've been to my fair share of places.  We'll estimate that I've stayed in 3 dozen different hotels in the last five or so years.  And you wouldn't believe what I've seen.  (For the sake of not seriously grossing anyone out, I won't go into details.  Just let your imagination go to the worst.possible.corner and then take it a step further.)

So when you're traveling, learning about caring and sharing in hotels is absolutely key.  Here are some tips:

1.  If you wouldn't do it at home, don't do it at a hotel.  Now, I'm not telling you not to do it do it.  But don't do it in a way that you wouldn't do it at home.  Got it?
2.  If even you're too grossed out to clean something up, maybe you shouldn't have done it in the first place.  And you definitely should clean it up.  Like right now.
3.  "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" doesn't mean you leave your manners and hygiene at the door.
4.  Tip your housekeeper.  He or she works for a low sum of money doing work that you'd like want to be paid beaucoup bucks to perform.  A few bucks goes a long way towards good will.
5.  Just because you ask the front desk for something doesn't mean they have it or have an obligation to get it for you.
6.  Room service is a luxury that ought not be spoiled by you spilling your remains all over the hallway.  Yeah, you.  The one who complained on TripAdvisor that the hallways were dingy.  Who, pray tell, do you think caused that?

Now you're ready to go forth and be a courteous hotel guest!

Until next time...

Safe travels!

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