Kids and Church

Six point five days per week, Big Girl is a little devil - she understands the word "no," but believes that if she looks away and can't see me, I can't see her either.

And on Sundays, we go to church.  For a long time, Big Girl thought church was a fun place to see people and then spout off during more quiet parts of the sermon, as if thinking that it was her turn to liven things up.

That seemed to change at the Christmas Eve service.  Big Girl loveloveloved the music and actually paid more attention than usual.  Now, she's only 27 months old - there's definitely a limit to how much she'll get.  But she was far more engaged than usual.

Today, she started Sunday school.  I was a little worried.  She doesn't know any of the other kids in her class, and the morning started off with two of the other Big Girls freaking out.

But she did GREAT!  The teacher said she danced and sang and was happy and had a great time.  YAHOO!

Coincidentally, on the day when we were alone with Bubba Boy in the church service for the first time, he was HYPER AWARE of what was going on.  Cooing and gaaing and checking everyone out.  We go to a large church but a very small with only 30 people there, they were also HYPER AWARE of each of his noises.  But that's ok!  I love that he was interactive instead of simply a passive little baby.

The kids exemplified Christian behavior this morning, both in their interactions in church and also with each other at home.  Bubba Boy was crying before we left and Big Girl leaned over to comfort him: "It's ok.  It'll be alright."  What a nice girl to try to comfort her brother!

Maybe those devil-can-catch me moments the other 6.5 days of the week will start to recede a bit, now.  (Then again, maybe not!)

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