Go to School!

Big Girl loves to go to school.  We started her in preschool back in June, through a summer camp that a local Montessori sponsored.

Well, my little socialite LOVED it.  The first week, she cried when I left her there.  Afterall, she never attended daycare, so this was all new.

By the second week, she cried when I picked her up.  She was doing half days; most kids stayed all day.  She didn't want to leave!

After a brief hiatus to accomodate travel, she started there again in late September, going for two full days.

Over Christmas break - two weeks of no school - she was seriously bummed out.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she was just sort of off.

But boy...starting back last week just MADE.HER.WORLD!

So let's here it for preschool - social activity, skill enhancements, and time for mommy to do other things - like work!

Do your children attend preschool, daycare, or a similar program?  What are your likes or dislikes about your program?

Ooops - time to head out the door to school!

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