No TT This Week

Sorry - my creative juices are just not flowing today. I was up late last night finishing a writing gig up for my largest and steadiest client and it just sapped the crap out of me. I took a few articles thinking they'd be interesting to research/write...and they ended up being a lot more work than I expected. One of the three was pretty easy to bang out - it's something I'm intimately familiar with due to my work history - but the other two just had limited resources available for me to gather information to put together non-fluff pieces. Naturally, I can't tell you the topics since it's ghostwriting (as most of my paid writing is) but suffice to say, they sucked the juices out of my brain.

So anyways, stick around here to read some of my recent posts, or head over to my baby blog to read the latest there. I'll try to get up a Friday Feast and perhaps even a Friday Fill In to make up for my lack of a TT!


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