New Weekly Feature!

Howdy, folks!

After much brainstorming and planning...and a few frustrating experiences that spurred the idea, I'd like to announce a new weekly feature coming to Breakfast at Tiffany's, beginning next Tuesday and running indefinitely into the future.

Called "Tuesday Travel Tips", it will feature my advice (born largely of my frustration) to those less bright individuals around us who get on planes, stay at hotels and rent cars. I'm going for a humorous tone, here, but am hoping that the little snippets I publish every week may help just one person, who can then stop screwing up and pissing me off! :-)

Hubby helped with the brainstorming and I believe we've got 30 topics so far, so this should continue for quite some time into the future. I'm going to "cheat" and pre-write many of the posts and just future date them, so you can reliably count on seeing these weekly posts at the same time each Tuesday.

And if ya'll have any funny travel observations to share - or questions to ask on protocol - just pop 'em over to me in the comments section of any related blog post, and I'll work them in!

Here's a preview of some items to be discussed:

-Water is a liquid, too
-Overhead bins are not expandable
-Flight Attendants: not your personal servant

Ok, so those are all related to flying, but I promise that there are some hotel and rental car ones thrown in, too. I just happen to know flying best!

Hope you all come back weekly to read Tuesday Travel Tips!

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