Moving, Moving, Moving

Relax, we're not actually moving.

We're just moving furniture.


It's like we get bored every few months, and just have to change things up.

So here I sit in bed, contemplating my aching back, because I leveraged a desk from an upstairs bedroom to our bedroom downstairs last night by myself.

I know, yell away.

But dang it, I'm independent. I shouldn't need my husband to do things for me!

In any case, I often wonder what it is about me that prompts these kind of moves. It's like I have a gypsy instinct...I have to have constant change. In fact, I get itchy if I don't get out of Texas every so often.

I wonder what it will take in life to make me feel truly settled. Don't get me wrong...I love my life. But I just always feel a little bit antsy to change things up.

Which is also pretty bizarre...because I have an obsession with schedules and status quo.

But not when it comes to my surroundings, apparently.


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