College MeMe

Hi, folks!

We're back from our 10-day trip to PA and I'm down with the sickness...bronchitis and an upper respiratory tract infection, that is. Until I get back into the swing of blogging (which first requires more than 5 minutes in a row of coherent thinking), here's a MeMe to tide you over. (stolen from Carrie Lofty)

1. Do you remember your college address?
Unequivocally, no. I have no idea what any of my college addresses were.

2. Ever lived off campus?
No. I lived in two different dorms and 3 different on-campus apartments.

3. Are you happy with the major you picked?
Yes - political science. Granted, my major has ZERO to do with what I do for a living, but I loved loved loved studying it, and the greatest skill it taught (along with my minor - history) was project and research management.

4. Did you have one or more serious relationships?
I started college with a serious relationship...and ended with a serious relationship. Different guys. Neither are my husband.

5. Did you ever take a P.E. class?
Of course. And I firmly believe that no matter what major people pursue, at least 1 physical education class should be required. The skills I learned in my lifeguarding class (freshman year) and my weight training class (sophomore year) are invaluable. And with the weight problems that are pervasive in this country, every chance that is made available for students to pursue more healthy habits is necessary.

6. Ever have a run in with an RA?
Yes. Freshman year. Slight amount of shouting in my room when the Yankees beat the Braves in the 1999 World Series. Hate the Braves. Go Yankees! And then I became an RA...but I was a cool RA! :-)

7. What sporting events did you like to attend?

8. Any wild parties?
Wild is a sliding scale.

9. What were your schools colors?
Maroon and gold.

10. Did you ever graduate and if so in how many years?
Of course I did! Three years. (No, that's not a typo. I took 21 credits each semester, plus tested out of a bunch because, well, I was bored.)

11. Name one ritual with your friends?
Denny's and road trips.

12. Any cool concerts held at your school?
Yeah. Although I can't remember specifics now.

13. If you could go back would you do it again
No. I was bored out of my mind most of the time.

14. Is your job now at all related to what you went to school for?
Ha, no.

15. Can you recite the entire Greek Alphabet?

16. Ever skip class to hang out with your friends?
Once or twice, but usually had too much going on in class to miss.

17. Did you have a pet?
My roommate had a Bloomsburg Fair gold fish who WOULD.NOT.DIE.

18. Favorite party place?

19. Did you marry someone from college?
Yes. Just not from MY college. (You didn't specify. Ha.)

20. Use your leftover money for laundry or to go out?
Leftover money? Are you kidding? I had two jobs the whole time I was in school and had tuition and bills to pay.

21. Worst drink you ever consumed?
Three Wise Men. Will NEVER forget that. UGH UGH UGH.

22. Year you graduated?

23. Still keep in touch with college friends?

25. Any regrets?
Should have finished my second minor - missed by 1 stinking class, but had no way to work 1 more class in without spending another semester there.

26. Play a sport?
I take it that Beer Pong doesn't count?

27. Did you have a nickname?
Oh, a few.

28. Cafeteria have a nickname?
Not that I'm aware of.

29. Favorite late night snack?

30. Favorite breakfast?
Those cheap breakfast sandwiches.

31. Favorite professor?

32. How far was your college from your hometown?
An hour.

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