
We have our nephew visiting from out of town, and tomorrow is my dad's birthday - the first one since he passed away last year. So I'm sitting here tonight doing a bunch of thinking about family. I grew up in a tiny family - just me and my parents - that is part of a huge family - dad was one of 10, mom one of 4, and I have approximately enough cousins to fill a football team roster. So I always had this odd perspective...I spent a whole lot of time alone, but then every so often, was totally overrun by family.

Living so far away from most of my family has changed my perspective yet again. Now, we're near some of Chris' family - totally coincidentally, since he's not from around here - and we've come to rely on them quite a bit. His Aunt, for instance, is a huge help in watching Catherine when our schedules conflict. And, in another coincidence, his brother ended up stationed only a couple hours away as well.

Hence, the visiting nephew. He's upstairs reading himself to sleep, Catherine has nodded off, and I'm sitting here thinking about family.

We've come full circle now, eh?

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