On Respect

I've been thinking a lot about the issue of respect, lately, and here are some thoughts that I want to share.

  • In order to gain respect, you need to give respect. If you treat people like crap, they will respond in kind.
  • In order to be viewed with respect, you need to look respectful. Going to a community event dressed in sloppy clothes and expecting to be treated seriously among the folks who gave some thought to their appearance is hilarious. You don't have to spend money to take care of your appearance; simple grooming and foregoing your comic book character shirt is sufficient.
  • In order to be heard with respect, you need to speak with respect. When you ask a question and do not allow the other party to respond, you ought not be surprised when you are chastised or not taken seriously. Calling names and childish language will not enable your message to carry weight.
  • In order for your rights to be respected, you need to respect the rights of others. Covering yourself with the blanket of equality doesn't exempt you from the need to show respect for those who disagree with your thoughts, ideas or stance. Jumping on dissenting opinions will strip away that blanket and instead cloak you with the deserved aura of intolerance.
Readers, what do you think? Comment away - respectfully, of course!

(And by the way, I have like two dozen posts written from the last two months for my various blogs...I thought they'd posted, as I did them from my handy-dandy new cell phone, but apparently not...so off to investigate what the heck!)

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