(Not) Leaving On a Jet Plane

Good Tuesday morning to everyone, and welcome to the 8th edition of Tuesday Travel Tips with Tiffany! To read previous editions, you can find them here.

Instead of tips, today, may I present a video! This was inspired by a parody MP3 that my friend Danielle shared with me...I just *had* to set it to images and present to you!

There's an "Easter Egg" in this video - one image that might not belong with all of the others. In fact, it's one of my favorite visuals. Identify it and comment on it on this post and you'll win...

Well, you won't win a physical prize. See, I'm cheap. And I have a brand new kid. And kids are expensive. But I'll love you, and isn't that enough of a prize?

Anyhow, enjoy the show!


  1. I've been waiting for this. Good job! :O)

  2. Well tiff using the attention to detail of a Marine sniper the only two items I could find were the amulet the the woman with the blue shirt was wearing and my guess being the table with the cocktail. In my defense whether it be my screen resolution or not many of the images were kinda grainy.

  3. I just wanted to share this with you Tiff...I wrote this last night
    Here We Go Again
    by Timothy Charles Cilley

    It comes and goes, and comes back again; the strife and struggle with the death of men.

    The ancient call, to storm the wall; the tithes of death from shot and ball.

    As men and boys, give their last full measure; the country bequeaths it's finest treasure.

    Mothers pray, and wives that wail; as the dirge of death doe's prevail.

    Men do cry, and all do pray, and hug the mud; and flinch, and wince, at the bullets thud.

    The mortars blast, and the flairs light; there ain't no atheist in a firefight.

    And as the world, doe's revolve;
    with the thirst for souls that death dissolves.

    Death does it's duty, and soldiers fall; and give their life for that goddamn wall.

    And now and then.......
    A little breather with the death of men. And then.....as a soldier say's;
    Shit! here we go again....

    NOv 10 is the 233rd birthday of the USMC

  4. Beautifully written - with your permission, I'd like to re-post to a new blog entry (instead of just in comments) to let others see. What do you think?

  5. Thank you Tiff, and yes you may. I realize it is a little dark but then so is war. I was out celebrating the 233rd birthday on Nov 10 of the USMC with some buddy's and wrote it around midnight( fueled by a substantial amount of beer) hic...

  6. I'm late in seeing this--very funny song. I'm going to guess the Easter egg was the photo of Lasorta and Venezuela duking it out at home plate? Am I close?
