Balancing Baby

It's sometimes hard to find balance versus baby!

For instance, dear hubby went back to work last week. So obviously, when he's gone to work, it's me and baby take on the world.

But when he IS home, it's his turn to take on baby so mommy can work on writing and projects and such, right?

Um, wrong. Apparently, despite discussion - sometimes several discussions - this is not something that will always work out.

As a result, I've blown writing deadlines - sometimes by a lot - and have found myself angry and frustrated. Not at having to spend time with the baby. But of a lack of balance.

We're working to fix that. Setting specific hours daily where it's my turn to work on other objectives and daddy's time to spend with baby. But today...that was blown again.

Maybe it was just a Manic Monday...or maybe we need to work on this more diligently!!

What solutions do you use in your own lives to balance time?

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