Friday Fill In #4

Wow - I'm actually getting this up at a decent time this week! Janet, are you proud of me? To participate, head over to Friday Fill Ins and jump right in!

  1. If I could be a fly on the wall I would have a lot of places I'd like to visit to get good scoops!
  2. Jealousy is irrational.
  3. When I see a shooting star my wish would be that my baby is born healthy.
  4. I'd rather be at the beach than anywhere else any day!
  5. Certain songs when I hear them make me wanna dance.
  6. If time were in a bottle it'd be quite pricey to sell.
  7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing upstairs closet organization and designing my new bathroom floor and cutting my husband's hair, tomorrow my plans include a visit from Patti, potentially starting work on my new bathroom floor and other items from my insane to-do list, and Sunday, I want to go to church, relax, and evaluate the status of remaining projects!
How about you, dear readers? What say you?

Have a fabulous weekend! Remember to get your baby updates over at the baby blog, where planned posts for this weekend include the much-awaited for tummy pictures page and a look at my insane 100+ item pre-baby to-do list. Also, an update is coming for the book blog - I'm like 15 books behind at this point, but I'm going to chain myself to the laptop to get caught up so that I can get my books reshelved as a part of my library/office organization project!


  1. I am VERY proud of you!!! Such a good girl :-)

    I say...why is the rum always gone? Thanks for playing! Good luck with your projects :-)

  2. Nice answer to #7. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I'd rather be at the beach too!
