New Year, New Plans!


Welcome to 2010 - and I'll bet I'm not alone in saying "Thank GOD" it's a new year!

For a variety of reasons (maternity leave early in the year, family/employment drama later in the year), I was an inconsistent blogger here and at my other sites in 2009.  I hate that!  I love blogging, because I love writing AND I love the social aspect of connecting with my readers and with other bloggers.

So I'm excited for this year and for new goals and objectives and a new chance to get back to blogging regularly.

 Because I thrive on structure, I'm going to be focusing on a few main points for posts this year.
  1. Travel - I love sharing these stories, quips and tips with you, and have a list of a TON more to work on - these kick back off tomorrow.
  2. Writing - this is going to be a fairly unbounded area.  It will include talking about my goals as a writer, talking about the mechanics of being a writer, and occasionally sharing some of my writing.
  3. Current Events - this is what I've traditionally called "Tiffany Takes On."  I'm not going to bore you with my thoughts on everything going on in the world, but when something fires me up - and so often, it does - I'll be here to share it!
I've discovered and am LOVING "Blogger in Draft" so you might also see a few design things here that are different.  If I use a "Blogger in Draft" tool that is not yet available in "Blogger Beta," I'll try to highlight it.

Happy 2010, and looking forward to reconnecting with ya'll in the blogosphere!

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