Thursday Thirteen #10

Hi, everyone!

It's been a hectic first few days in the new year, and so unfortunately, I am late to the game again this week in getting up my post! We spent most of yesterday winterizing our house - yes, even in Texas, this can be necessary! Our 22-year-old home also has 22-year-old windows and 22-year-old doors and well, insulation is a major issue. So while we have on the to-do and wish list an item to replace all windows and doors with new, more energy-efficient types, we've had to improvise in the meantime. I hate seeing $400 energy bills when we already use as little as we can, so $50 in supplies is well worth using to save money in future months...and it's already shown an effect because I was finally nice and toasty warm in my house last night withOUT the thermostat set to 80! Have I mentioned that I HATE WINTER?!

So now, without further ado, my Thursday Thirteen!

Thirteen Christmas Presents Received by Tiffany in 2007

  1. A grey sweater, from Christopher
    (check it out - I'm wearing it in our Happy New Year picture)

  2. A dark green sweater, from my father-in-law and step-mother-in law
    (very cute, very warm, I'm wearing it today at work)

  3. An atomic alarm clock with laser projection, from my father-in-law and step-mother-in-law
    (already set up in the bedroom...pretty cool)

  4. A Christmas tree
    (from my mother-in-law...she asked what we most needed this year and since our old fake tree - I can't have real due to health - was leaning quite badly, this is what we chose...and the new one is very cool!)

  5. An electric cooker/server, from Christopher
    (way an electric chafing dish...and since I love my chafing dishes, I'm super-excited to have a way cool new and improved upgraded kind of thing)

  6. An old-fashioned popcorn popper, a popcorn set, and a gift card to Blockbusters, from our friends Stephanie and Greg and their two girls, who are my goddaughters
    (also way's a stovetop popper and will also work quite nicely when we go camping, using our cook stove)

  7. Three Christmas-themed serving dishes, from my mom and dad
    (Mom loves shopping...just not for me. So this year, she picked Macy's, gave me a dollar amount, and as usual, I chose my own present. Cool stuff. Love my new dishes.)

  8. A snack and sweets assortment in a Santa stacker, from Carlos, my boss

  9. A snack and sweets assortment in a cool winter house, from Chris' uncle Gary and aunt Ardyn
    (again, yum)

  10. Ghirardelli dark chocolates, from Christopher
    (yum and my FAVORITES)

  11. A $30 gift card to Borders, from Christopher
    (will be WELL used! By the way, go visit my blog, Read and Release - my first book review of 2008 is UP!)

  12. A beautiful angel snow globe, from Christopher's aunt Jane and uncle Ernie
    (very cool...matches an angel figurine my aunt Grace gave me years ago and is now displayed by its side)

  13. "The Choice", by Nicholas Sparks, from Christopher
    (funny story...I also gave this book to Christopher for Christmas! We both like Nicholas now we have two copies...can't decide whether to keep both or return one.)

Hope you all got everything you wanted to Christmas this year! Leave me a note with your favorite gift!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Hi Tiffany,
    Looks like you got some fun stuff for Christmas. Happy New 2008 to you!

  2. Oooh, I do love that gray sweater! Very nice :-)

    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Now it feels like we got all those gifts too!

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Some nice stuff, I'll be over for popcorn and movie soon :)
    Watch the atomic clock, I worked for someone who used to sell them and we always got them returned - hopefully yours is a nicer one.
    Thanks for visiting the Cafe dear.

  5. We didn't do Christmas presents this least not for me and DH...we are buying a new computer because this one is about to die any minute...

  6. That atomic clock sounds very interesting!

  7. Hi, it's Ed from Please give me a ring: 888-398-4703.
