Diary of a Crossing Guard, Day 3

I recently shared some observations with a few others on Stupid Human Tricks, School Drop Off edition. Thought I'd share them here as well.

1. If a sign says "no pedestrians," it's not just there for funsies.

2. Red light means stop. This has never, in the history of motorized traffic, meant otherwise. I cannot and will not run out into moving traffic to save you, and shouldn't be expected to.

3. Stopping dead in the middle of traffic to DISGORGE YOUR KID INTO TRAFFIC is beyond brainless. SERIOUSLY. We have a specific drop off zone at the school, on the far safer side street than main drag. This, also, is nothing new.

4. When a school bus has its lights on and stop sign out, it doesn't mean you should swing wide to go around it. Yeah, you. I almost threw my stop sign at you.

5. Yesterday was High Five Friday...we all made it to the end if the first week - hurrah! Sorry I had to miss my afternoon shift...I'll be back Monday!

Have a great weekend.

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