18 Months Already!

Spent tonight reading about toddler developmental milestones, while said toddler was in complete cling mode. 

Cate is drastically behind in one area - getting teeth, which is something we obviously cannot control.  The charts suggest she should be starting to get her molars in…but she still only has two teeth on the bottom and one on top.  At her fifteen month appointment, the doctor was hopeful that by eighteen months, she’d have several new teeth – but only the one on top has come through and no others are showing signs on coming in.

She also seems to be mildly behind in another area - the charts I've read suggest she should be saying 30-50 words and we've only counted 21 so far.  They are: dog, cat, Audrey (one of our cats), Naya (one of our dogs), done, down, yes, mama, dada, ball, hi, hey, bubble, car, go, two, three, eye, mouth, juice and baby.  She does, however, show a clear understanding for many more words besides that – probably several hundred, because we actually talk to her instead of using baby-speak.

But on every other milestone, she's at least 2 months ahead of schedule, including various motor and social skills like:
  • throwing balls overhand,
  • running,
  • going up and down stairs on her own,
  • pointing to pictures or facial features when the name is said,
  • beginning potty training,
  • proficiently using forks and spoons,
  • and reliably following 2-part commands like "go get and bring back". 
All this just to get ready for her 18-month doctor's appointment tomorrow!

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