On Not Writing

I love writing. It makes up a goodish portion of my total income, after my full time job. And I love writing fiction, as well. But I have this issue.

I can't write.

Ok, that's not true. It's just that with fiction, I can't type new portions of my writing. I have to write longhand, or it doesn't get out. Why?! I don't know. It's been going on for a year now, though.

When I try to write new fiction by typing, I just sit and stare at the screen. Eventually, I give up.

Longhand? I can't keep the pen moving fast enough. In fact, I can't write as fast as I think, so I end up losing thoughts. So then I use my phone to record some notes while I continue to write.

So it's GREAT that I can at least write longhand. But it SUCKS to have to transcribe. The last time I did major transcribing, I had an ENTIRE single subject notebook to type in. This time, it's about half that. Takes a LONG time.

Anyone else ever have this kind of block? If so, how did you get over it?

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